First Holy Communion held at Shirva Parish

November 22, 2020: It was a happy day for the 19 children of Our Lady of Health Church, Shirva who received the First Holy Communion. V. Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa (Parish Priest), Rev. Fr. Rohan Dias (Asst. Parish Priest), Fr. Baptist Menezes (Rector-Minor Seminary Moodubelle), Fr. Sunil Monis and parents of the 19 children were a part of this holy ceremony.

Photos by Crystal Studio, Shirva

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Financial help provided to Mr. Philip & Nancy D’Souza (Kadikambla Lower Ward)

Kadikambla Lower Ward and Catholic Sabha Shirva Unit jointly gave a financial assistance of Rs.10,000 to Mr. Philip & Nancy D’Souza (aged couples) residing in Kadikambla Lower Ward. Mrs. Nancy D’Souza is suffering from Neurological disorders with diabetics problems. She has regular check ups, medications and also facing financial problems. An initiative was taken by Gurkarn and Kadikambla Lower Ward members along with Catholic Sabha Shirva Unit. Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa handed over the cash to the couples. Catholic Sabha Shirva Unit President Mrs. Lorita D’Souza, Treasurer, Office bearers, Kadikambla Lower Ward Gurkarn Mrs. Jacintha D’Souza and members of the ward were present during this occasion. Mrs. Leena Machado (Secretary, PPC) also joined along with Catholic Sabha and ward members towards this contribution.
Report by Mrs. Jacintha D’Souza
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