Mr. Felix Fernandes (86) Sorkol Ward

Name: Mr. Felix Fernandes

Age: 86 years

H/o: Lilly Fernandes

Passed away on 14-10-2018.

F/o: Late Wilfred/Janet, Flavy/Cyril, Monica/Antony, Walter/Pushpa, 7 grandchildren, 1 great grand child.

Funeral Cortege leaves residence ‘PRITESH VILLA’ Sorkola, Shirva at 3:30 PM on 15-10-2018 to Our Lady of Health Church, Shirva followed by mass at 3:45 PM.

Contact: +91 8970122608, +91 8971896018, 0820 2576577

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One thought on “Mr. Felix Fernandes (86) Sorkol Ward

  1. S.N.SUVARNA October 14, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    Heartfelt condolences to the family members. May his soul rest in peace.

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