Easter celebration at Shirva Parish

April 20: Easter celebrations commenced at 7 pm at Our Lady of Health Church Shirva with the blessing of new fire by V. Rev. Fr. Denis D’sa. Fr. Ashwin Aranha was the main celebrant. After mass, the telephone directory comprising of all the contacts of the Shirva parishioners was inaguarated by V. Rev. Fr. Denis D’sa which was coordinated by Mr. Melwyn D’Souza. Thereafter, there was a small farewell ceremony to Deacon Noel Mascarenhas who served in the parish for 4 months from December 22. Fr. Denis D’Sa congratulated Deacon Noel for his service at Shirva Parish and wished him good for his future endevours. Fr. Mahesh D’Souza, Fr. Sunil, Mr. Wilson D’souza, Mrs. Leena Machado an Mr. Melwyn Aranha were present on the dais during this occasion.

Pics by Arun and Rohan

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