July 14, 2024: ICYM Shirva successfully hosted the much-anticipated Konkani Antakshari Grand Finale at Saudh Sabha Bhavan. The event saw enthusiastic participation from 17 wards of the parish, with the top six teams advancing to the grand finale.
Sorpu Lower Ward emerged victorious, winning a cash prize of Rs. 7777. Nyarma Ward secured the runners-up position with a cash prize of Rs. 5555. The formal function was gracefully compered by Ms. Shareen Corda, with Mr. Vivian Machado extending a warm welcome to the gathering.
Rev. Fr. Rolwyn Aranha, the guest of honor, lauded the youth for their courage and initiative in organizing the Konkani Antakshari. The finale was skillfully hosted by Dr. Grynal D’Mello and Ms. Natasha Lobo, ensuring an engaging and entertaining experience for all.
Ms. Riya Pinto presented the formal vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all participants and attendees. The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Godwin Aranha and Mrs. Laveena Aranha, the chief guests and main sponsors, who awarded the prizes to the winning teams.
Mr. Anil D’Souza and Mr. Manoj Menezes shared their positive feedback about the event, congratulating the ICYM team for their dedication and hard work in organizing such a splendid program. Mrs. Flavia D’Souza, Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council addressed the gathering and appreciated the ICYM team for the excellent coordination in organizing this mega event, Rev. Fr. Ronson Pinto, Assistant Director of ICYM Shirva, also expressed his appreciation for the youth, encouraging them to continue their efforts in fostering community spirit and cultural heritage.
The Konkani Antakshari Grand Finale was a testament to the vibrant spirit and unity of the Shirva parish, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Konkani music and bringing the community together in a joyous and memorable event.